#NCUA had its first face to face Board meeting in more than 2.5 years yesterday. I was able to attend and snap this photo just prior to showtime. Ironically - I was the NCUA Executive Director at that last public meeting - which was pointed out by then Chairman & current Board Member Rodney E. Hood.
Public attendees outnumbered staff as NCUA transitions back into the building (as announced recently).
The agenda included proposals to change:
the Subordinated Debt Rule (highlight: is 30 year maturity option)
Bylaws related to Member Expulsion (highlight: added 3rd option to expel as required by FCU Act changes)
and an NCUSIF Briefing (Highlight: slowing growth and rising rates assist the fund)
It was a great meeting with good changes for credit unions and good to see my former colleagues and friends at NCUA.
I will have a With Flying Colors #Podcast on these items coming out next week.